↗ 1884 ↘ 1884

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Réf. Biblethiophile

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Ce sont six rapports officiels rédigés par le Lieutenant Fullerton et le Major F. M. Hunter, à l’attention du gouvernement d’Inde.

Ces rapports se composent comme suit:

  1. Report on the Towns and Outposts in Somali Land and the Harrar Province, anonyme [Fullerton], s.d. [1884]. Table des matières: Berbera; Zaila; Harrar; Warrabîli; Gafra; Darimi; Gildessa.

  2. Report on the Route from Zaila to Harrar. Anonyme [Fullerton], s.d. [1884]. Table des matières: General information; detailed Road Reports.

  3. Report on the Route from Harrar to Berbera. Anonyme [Fullerton], s.d. [1884]. Table des matières: General information; detailed Road Reports.

  4. Report on the Routes between Harrar, Gafra, and Warrabîli. Anonyme [Fullerton], s.d. [1884]. Table des matières: General information; detailed Road Reports.

  5. Report on the Inspection of Egyptian Troops at Berbera, Zaila and Harrar. Anonyme [Fullerton], s.d. [1884]. Table des matières: General remarks; Berbera; Zaila; Harrar; Warrabîli; Gafra; Darimi; Gildessa.

  6. Report on the Province of Harrar. Major F. M. Hunter, Officiating Political Resident, Aden, rédigé le 30 juin 1884. Table des matières :

PART I. INTRODUCTORY. General area, Province or Hokmdáriyah of Harrar, Administrative system, The Galla tribes, Modiriyah of Nolay, Modiriyah of Abâddo, Modiriyah of Nâmmo, Modiriyah of Jarso-Geri, The Eesa Somâl, The Gadabursi Somâl, Estimated total population of province, Zaila, The Danakil tribes, Berbera, Bulhar, Habr Awal Somâl, Habr Gerhajis, Habr Tol Jailah.

PART II. MILITARY. General strength of garrisons, Garrison of Harrar proper, Black troops, Artillery, Cavalry, Bashi Bazuks, Infantry, Band, Staff and non-combatants, Artificiers, Arsenal, Complaints, Positions occupied by troops, Harrar, Gildessa, Warrabîli, Gafra, Darimi, Zaila, Berbera, Road Reports, Appendix A-Distribution of Garrison, Appendix B-Road Reports.

PART III. the people, trade and commerce, &c. Population: material condition, Dress, Domestic ceremonies. Supplies: Food-grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Fodder. Domestic animals : The horse, Cattle, Donkies, Mules, Poultry. Trade and commerce: Weights and measures, Currency, Conveyance. Manufactures and industries: Book-binding, Weaving, Imports and exports, Coffee, Wars, Hides. Trade between Aden and Somâli ports, General Remarks, Appendix C-List of Imports and Exports, Appendix D-List of Dues, Gate, Customs and Sanitary Fees charges on Imports and Exports.


Fullerton décrit en détail les agglomérations et les routes, rend compte des inspections des troupes égyptiennes auxquelles il a pris part. Il mentionne le rapport du Major Hunter, voir infra. Hunter mentionne les rapports de Fullerton et la carte dressée par ce dernier, sans altitude à cause des baromètres anéroïdes défectueux.

On rapprochera les rapports de Fullerton à la carte insérée dans le travail de Wheeler.

Biblethiophile, 22.04.2018