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Le documentaire se base sur des images d’archives (Luce) et peut compter sur la contribution d’historiens (entre autres le Prof. Angelo del Boca qui a connu Ukmar) et le témoignage de la famille d’Anton Ukmar, dont son épouse, sa fille et des neveux. Il raconte l’enfance d’Anton, ses convictions communistes et son esprit combatif. La première occasion de se mesurer aux fascistes est la guerre civile espagnole mais qui finalement l’oblige à se réfugier en France où il est contacté par la direction du parti communiste italien. Avec l’approbation de Moscou, De Vittorio le convainc d’accepter une mission en Ethiopie en compagnie de ses compagnons d’arme Barontini et Rolla. Ils seront en quelque sorte l’avant-garde, celle qui s’acquitte de toutes les tâches ingrates, surmonte tous les obstacles dans des conditions inimaginables. Souffrant de la fièvre jaune, Ukmar quitte l’Ethiopie avant le retour de l’empereur dans sa capitale. A son arrivée en France, il est interné au camp du Vernet. Il s’en échappe, prend le maquis, se bat à Gênes conformément à sa vocation de révolutionnaire avant de redevenir une personne commune. Il meurt en 1978.

Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, les documents ayant trait à la mission et aux interventions des trois révolutionnaires sont rares. Le documentaire relève le défi de rassembler les traces qu’ils nous ont laissés. Mais il a l’inestimable mérite de sortir de l’anonymat des hommes de l’ombre sans qui la voie suivie par Wingate & Sandford n’aurait pas été aussi bien tracée et sans qui le retour de l’empereur n’aurait pas été possible. Il faut continuer à espérer le même genre de travail de documentation sur les patriotes éthiopiens (Arbegnoch).

Biblethiophile, 17.07.2020

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A documentary by Mauro Tonini

The story of an Italian-Slovenian revolutionary idealist through the Nineteenth Century, between yielding and rebellion, harshness and mercy, fear and courage.

Details: FullHD, 52′, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, France, Russia, Ethiopia, 2014

Theme: history, Resistance

Director: Mauro Tonini

Subject: Mauro Tonini, Sandi Volk

Screenplay: Mauro Tonini, Mark Mc Ilrath

Producer: Marta Zaccaron

Co-producer: Igor Pediček

Production: Quasar Multimedia

Co-produced by: Casablanca Film Production, RTV Slovenia

Status: in distribution

Funded by: Fondo Audiovisivo FVG, Slovenski Filmski Center

Beginning with the fascist repression in Slovenian Carso in the 20‘s, the life-tale of a young Slovenian terrorist, Anton Ukmar. The story of his flight to Paris in 1929, then to Moscow in the 30’s to attend the University of Lenin and then the work in military censorship. His missions: work for counter-espionage at first and later to combat on the frontline in the Spanish Civil War against Franco; in Ethiopia with Ethiopian patriots against Italians in 1939; in France with the Maquis; in North-western Italy as a partisan commander fighting against the Nazis until the end of WWII. In 1946 he is back home, and has political commitments among workers’ uprisings and the clash between Stalin and Tito’s supporters on a still contended eastern border. Who really was Anton Ukmar?


The documentary film will try and reveal this, by tracking his footprints, with his daughter Dunja who never learnt from him the many secrets of his adventures. By visiting the places he went, interviewing witnesses and experts, watching impressive archive footage and reading crucial documents, we will piece together Ukmar’s figure, supported by the historian Sandi Volk, who wants to write a book about the hero. We will discover how his story goes against all stereotypes: he was a Communist Party’s agent, yet never an orthodox, a supporter of people’s revolt and armed subversion, yet a kindly, cheerful man; he never had high political posts, yet was often acquainted with top secrets. His intriguing personal story as a revolutionary also offers an original view over the conflict among Countries and ideologies.